How to: Activate Master Data Hierarchies for SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)

Activate Master Data Hierarchies.

Introduction SAP Analytics Cloud enables to create dynamic visual stories based on key business areas with trusted data that is managed by IT. (Source: ) There are many introductions and learning materials for creating powerful reports and dashboards for SAC. All the information shows how to visually deal with data derived from various sources. Since the…

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ZPOKER Nacht 2018

ZPOKER Nacht 2018. Pokerrunde in Salzburg.

Bei der ZPOKER Nacht 2018 in Salzburg gab es wieder spannende Spiele beim Texas Holdem Poker. Die erste Runde konnte Jens im HeadsUp gegen Mario im River für sich entscheiden. In der zweiten Runden hatte Mario das bessere Händchen und hat das HeadsUp gegen Damian als Chipleader klar gewinnen können….

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How to change/create Infoobjects with RSD1 as of BW 750 SP11 on HANA and BW/4HANA as of SP8

Change/create Infoobjects with RSD.

Introduction Before SAP BW 750 SP 11 it was possible to edit/maintain InfoObjects in RSD1 with the help of value nohdb in ok-code (see . This was switched off with SAP BW 750 SP11. In some cases, it could be helpful to change InfoObjects (for instance if you want to edit Master Data Read…

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