ODATA is very helpful common language that allows systems a standardized communication.
Also in SAP BW Context data could be consumed via ODATA as described in https://blogs.sap.com/2016/02/08/bex-queries-and-odata-in-bw-74/.
When transporting the service and checking /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE the System Aliases are most likely not set.

One option is to set this in target system directly. In case of system with restricted access to customizing tables this is only possible with additional authorizations and/or an opening of the system.
Another option is to add this manually to the transport.
The System Aliases are stored in table /IWFND/C_MGDEAM and can be added manually to the transport.

This tanle entry can be added manually to transport

After Transport the System Aliases is set in target system.