Da wir es gut verstehen uns auf neue Umstände ein- und umzustellen fand unser Herbstmeeting dieses Jahr, zum ersten Mal, online statt. Vielen Dank an Gary für seinen interessanten „Deep Dive“ in die SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. Es war schön die neuen KollegInnen kennenzulernen und Alle wieder einmal zu sehen – wenn auch nur über…
ABAP Toolbox – Generate ADSO from csv + Extraction
Introduction Loading flat files can be a bit time consuming with the “normal” approach by creating an Infopackage and prepare the settings with field list. Also, in times of LSA++ and BW4/HANA the PSA are outdated. Therefore, we have created a solution for directly creating a field based ADSO based on a flat file and load the data within one program without too much preparation. Program Set delimiter and escape character according your file you want to upload. Set InfoArea and…
Into the world of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud series – Part 4
Into the world of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud series …
Neue ZPARTNER*IN Svenja Winkler – 01.07.2020
Wir freuen uns, dass Svenja Winkler seit 01.07.2020 unser ZPARTNER Team verstärkt! Liebe Svenja, wir wünschen Dir weiterhin viel Erfolg und viele spannende Projekte! Willkommen @ZPARTNER!…
Into the world of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud series – Part 3
Hi everyone, I hope you still follow along with our DWC blog series, today we present to you chapter 3. As a reminder in chapter 1, we have created a space, while in chapter 2 we created 3 views. And in this chapter, we will relate these 3 views together to make it as a source for our dashboard. As a starting point, let us navigate by clicking the menu data builder (see Fig 1 on the left panel). The 3 views previously created, show up (Fig 2) and you can…
Transport ODATA Services – System Aliases
ODATA is very helpful common language that allows systems a standardized communication. Also in SAP BW Context data could be consumed via ODATA as described in https://blogs.sap.com/2016/02/08/bex-queries-and-odata-in-bw-74/. When transporting the service and checking /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE the System Aliases are most likely not set. One option is to set this in target system directly. In case of…
An Approach for Strategic Planning with SAP IP
Requirement To implement a strategic planning solution is quite a common requirement. Usually the time horizon for strategic planning is 3-5 years. In contrast to operational planning it is also quite typical to plan in percentage rather than in absolute numbers. For our example let us assume an existing planning solution for the current year…
How-To insert an In-Cell-Chart into a SAC Story Table
Introduction This How-to Paper provides guidance on how to display a deviation in a table in the SAP Analytics Cloud in conformity with the International Business Communication Standards. This type of visualization is very useful because you can visualize a table together with a bar/column chart. The possibility of combining two different forms of data…
Into the world of SAP DataWarehouse Cloud series – Part 2
Hi everyone, today we are continuing this blog series with chapter 2. As you remember in chapter 1, we have created a space. In this chapter, we will have a look on how to create a data model with SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. As a starting point, let us navigate by clicking the menu data…
100 Tage ZPARTNER @ Virgin Pulse Global Challenge
Herzliche Gratulation unseren beiden Teams – es war spannend bis zum letzten Tag! Unglaubliche 19.997.321 Schritte wurden gezählt. Ganz knapp hat sich Team Austria – um 53 km – im internen Team Match an die Spitze gesetzt. Ganz im Sinne von Mr. Yoda: „Proud of you – we are“ Ziel 2021: 20.000.000 😉…